Insurance for the innovators.

The only insurer dedicated to emerging industries

Relm crafts insurance solutions that give businesses in dynamic industries like Web3, AI, Alternative Medicine, Biotech and the Space Economy the protection to innovate and thrive.

We're making innovation resilient.

Relm understands emerging industries like no one else. We use our sector experience and underwriting expertise to deliver best-in-class insurance products to innovative businesses worldwide.

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Going deep into each industry

Learning is embedded in our corporate culture. We invest in understanding the intricacies and dynamics of each industry ecosystem. Your industry is our inspiration.

Going all in on underwriting innovation

We build underwriting solutions to provide the most efficient access to the most important coverages innovative companies need to scale their business.

Going all out on coverage

At Relm, we deliver best-in-class insurance products worldwide. From our industry-specific insurance solutions to reinsurance and captive offerings, we provide comprehensive tailored protection globally.

Regular insurers look backwards. Relm looks ahead.

We founded Relm to specifically address the lack of coverage for businesses in groundbreaking industries. Traditional insurance falls short for these innovators because it looks to the past to understand the risks.

Space shuttle and rockets taking off

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